Cool, ok first post...
I really don't know if this blog is going to be as sweeeeeeeet (8 e's!) as the title makes it out to be, but I hope that it lives up to its namesake. If my trip doesn't allow for a sweet blog, then I guess I'll just have to make stuff up. I also thought about titling the blog 'mattyptravels', which probably would have been a safer route, without the pressure to live up to anything. I'm partial to sweeeeeeeet (8 e's!) though. However, if you prefer 'mattyptravels' you can use it when discussing this blog with your friends.
You can thank my friend Matt Wyatt for 'babsons'. One day when we were living together in the dorms at MU, he changed a nametag on my door from 'Parsons' to 'BaBsons'. Clever huh? The name somewhat stuck as a nickname though, and it was one of the only names that I entered that wasn't taken. It's fun.
Tomorrow I'm going to begin traveling. I fly out of Tulsa at 4:40 pm and am going to arrive in Buenos Aires around 9 am on Sunday. I'm excited/nervous and also a bit stressed as there are still a lot of things that I have to do before I leave.
I don't know how frequently I'll post on this blog, but I'll try to update it as often as possible.
Alright, the next time I post I'll be in Argentina. Take care.