As I wrote in the last update, right now I am in Schwaigern visiting my Au-pair from my childhood. It’s been fantastic seeing her and her family again, they’re all so nice. She is married and has two kids, in 2nd grade and kindergarten, respectively, and her whole family lives here. Her parents live next door, her sister lives across the street, and all her aunts, uncles, cousins, live a couple of blocks away. There is always a lot going on, it's like a family reunion everyday. This is actually the 6th time I have visited her here. Wow! The first time I came was in 2003 before my study abroad semester in Spain, and I could speak about 2 words of German. It's really neat now, especially in comparison, because I’ve reached a point where we just speak the entire time in German. The German spoken here is really a dialect though, so often when I speak to her parents or relatives my Au-pair has to translate things into High German for me. It’s funny.

Tomorrow I’m going to leave here though and begin traveling around Europe. My itinerary, for now, is Budapest, then Münster (a university city in Germany), then Amsterdam, then London, then Zürich, then Spain (Madrid, Valencia, Barcelona), then Istanbul, and then Athens. Should be great!
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